School can be stressful, with all the tests and projects. Sometimes it’s good to let loose and release the tension in your body. That’s why Madame Cook’s Yoga Club is the perfect place to let your thoughts run free! I asked her some questions about this highly esteemed club.
Why did you create a yoga club?
Yoga is a great way to get a workout and become more flexible, but also to calm the mind. There’s evidence-based research that yoga can help with anxiety and depression. It’s for everyone, so it’s a good inclusive activity for the whole school. All students and staff can participate, regardless of previous experience.
What is the objective of the Yoga Club?
To allow participants to experience yoga, to benefit from the mind-body connection, to try a new activity, and to take an hour for themselves.
How many students attend the Yoga Club?
We’ve had anywhere from four to twenty students on a given Thursday. Many staff members participate as well. Since anyone can come or start coming at any time, attendance varies.
What is something you hope students take from yoga?
The importance of taking time for yourself, being alone with your thoughts. Today we always have our heads in our phones, and the only time we’re alone with ourselves, getting to know ourselves better, is when we’re falling asleep at night. Yoga allows us to focus on ourselves, breathe, and really be in the present.
What do you guys do exactly? Just yoga?
We do yoga, yoga, and more yoga… with a side of deep breathing! We also laugh a lot.
Wow, so much insight! If this interests you, join Madame on the stage every Thursday after school.