Horrifying Human Rights, thefts in the day
We are in flames, we are protesting, hear our cry
We protest against police brutality, hear our cry
This is not our goodbye
Bullets charged, not held accountable
This is “unfortunate”-this adamant
Reform must be near not far and wide
We cried, our eyes have not yet dried
Us, unarmed, us peaceful, us hopeful
Lights taken, outrage shaken
Lights of one’s hope, we will say nope, we will not cope
Light’s of one’s spirit, notorious awakening
No patience, for death, no patience for misery
Disillusion around, notoriously brutal
The bigger demolished by the biggest
O you who hold your head so high
Take it to the sky
Would you fly
Would you soar up whereby
To a killer, you would kill
To a theft you would steal
To God you will kneel
Brazen lawlessness
Given thankfulness
Given “tolerance”
The power of predominance
We stand, in unity we stand, in unity we must stand
In unity we will have to stand
In unity we can stand
In unity, we are standing