By: Rachel Czigli and Shannon Fernandes
If you’ve watched Grey’s Anatomy you have probably experienced that emotional roller coaster you go on every time you watch an episode. The crying, the laughing, and the medicine are all major components of watching the show. Grey’s Anatomy is a medical drama based show that has an overall rating of 4.8 stars. The show has been running for 17 seasons due to its high popularity among its large audiences. Grey’s has won awards for favorite television show and a large number of the actors have won awards for best actor or best supporting role for the show.
Grey’s Anatomy follows intern Meredith Grey along on her journey to residency and to become an attending. Through everyday struggles, Meredith manages to get through, but not without the help of her friends. You may know them as the MAGIC interns. Meredith, Alex, George, Izzie and Christina all met in the first year of their internship at Seattle Grace Hospital. Though they did not get along right away, these 5 interns soon formed one of the most iconic friendships on the show. But all good things must come to an end, so if you are a longtime fan of the show, you would know that only a few of these friendships still remain. However, in a drama series there’s always romance. Many romantic relationships are brought on to the show such as our favorite couples “Merder” ( Meredith and Derek) and “Jolex” ( Jo and Alex).

Many times in the show, the attendings refer to the hospital as a surgical food chain, with interns, residents and attendings. The show elaborates on how relationships change in a professional environment and outside of it as well and that no matter where you are on the surgical food chain, one’s learning never ends. Now you may be wondering, who is the brilliant mind behind everyone’s favorite medical drama? Well that would be the one and only Shonda Rhimes. Shonda Rhimes has created a show which most fans refer to as “addicting” and “life-changing”. Shonda first wrote Grey’s back in 2005. Before writing Grey’s, she had written a pilot script for a show about war correspondents but the show was never picked up. Lucky for her everything happens for a reason and she later wrote the pilot for Greys’ and the show became an immediate hit. Shonda has a very intense style of writing, as she likes to connect real life issues, struggles, and problems into her work. This is a great way to connect with the audience, as it gives that aspect that every show wants… a relatable effect. People are able to relate to the characters well as writers bring up important social justice issues like Black lives matter, LGBTQ, rape and abuse, adulterers, divorcees and much more. These issues are portrayed in an understandable and connectable way through the characters, Jo Wilson, Meredith Grey, Derek Shepherd, Christina Yang, Mark Sloan and lots of the patients and other characters as well. Many people have said that this show has helped them emotionally and mentally. Shonda also works hard to collaborate with other brilliant writers and producers of others to create spin offs, linking Grey’s Anatomy to expand its popularity. Station 19, which follows the lives of firefighters is a big collaborator with Grey’s. Together they locate and save lives as one, also involving characters from the other show with one another in friendship and in romance as well.
Currently, a new season of this addictive show is being released and you won’t believe what it is. Grey’s fans were shocked to find out that the 17th season of the show is based on Covid-19. As the hospital battles the struggle of COVID, with infectious patients and surgeons, the hospital goes through ups and downs during the pandemic, reflecting those we go through in our day to day life. So far, only a few of this season’s episodes have been released but fans were shocked to see the return of some familiar faces. Camilla Luddington (Jo Wilson) recently stated in an interview that some very shocking events were going to happen in this season and fans could not be more excited to find out what is going to happen. Will this be the last season? Will any of the doctors get COVID19? Who will return next? These are all questions we hope to have answered in season 17 of Grey’s Anatomy.

With romance, meds, drama, comedy and many adventures, Grey’s Anatomy is the perfect show. Whether you are in the mood to cry, laugh, smile, or throw something at your screen, Grey’s is the show for every occasion. Be warned that you might get way too emotionally attached and probably mess up your sleep schedule. It is highly addictive and many fans have watched seasons in just a span of days. The intriguing endings and the way that it captivates the audience is what makes it a worthy show to watch. In the words of Derek Shepard: “ It’s a beautiful day to watch Grey’s Anatomy”.