Last weekend a group of enthusiastic and festive students and teachers took part in the annual Oakville Santa Claus Parade. Weeks of preparation preceded the big event and the team worked tirelessly to design and construct the float on time. The theme for this year’s float was The Sleigh Raiders of STA. It featured several elements which referenced the classic Christmas tune, “Sleigh Ride” by Leroy Anderson.
The unit scrambled to put the final touches on the float on Friday evening, so their masterpiece would be ready to go the following morning. The team woke up bright and early on Saturday and met up at the school. The group walked over to Robinson Street where they prepared for the lengthy trek. Shortly after nine o’clock, the students and teachers began their parade through the streets of downtown Oakville.
Filled with Christmas, cheer the Raiders walked with the banner and rang Christmas bells. Those who were lucky enough to ride on the impressive float with our mascot Tom waved with cheer to the spectators who gathered on the side of the street. The Raiders ended their journey at Felan Ave before heading back to the school.
Many would be surprised to know that the parade is also a contest. The judges were located along Lakeshore in front of Town Square where they carefully assessed each float. The floats were judged on originality, creativity participation and effort. The school’s float is eligible for the Overall Winner award, School Winner, Mascot Winner and People’s Choice Winner.
Overall, the team succeeded in creating another magnificent school float for this year’s Oakville Santa Claus parade! If you weren’t able to attend the parade don’t miss out on next years parade! Special thanks go out to Mlle Milicevic, Mrs. Miller, Mr. Hadad, Mrs. Thorpe, Maria Hadid, and Isabel Colina who all played essential part’s in organizing and putting together this year’s float. Happy Holidays!