When studying for tests, exams, or presentations, your brain can feel like a whirlwind. But once in a while, it is crucial to have a 15 to 30-minute break. Here are some fun things to do when you are not crunching words and numbers:
- Watch Youtube: Videos are great distractions that lead you into a world of makeup tutorials, DIY’s, or satisfying slime crunches. But beware of clickbait 🙂
- Watch TV or a movie: Find a sappy love story, horror, or an adventure television show/ movie to watch in the meantime after you are done studying. If you like comedy, I suggest watching Friends. If you like horror: Lights Out. If you are into superheroes: The Avengers. Don’t get too caught up in the show or movie though, or else you will forget about the never-ending papers!
- Learn a rap: Have you ever wanted to spit fire like Jay-Z or drop the beat like Eminem? Now is your chance! Look up the lyrics to your favourite rap song (the clean version of course) and slowly repeat the words until you know it by heart. It is super fun to practice and to impress your friends.
- Colour: Grab your pencil crayons and a piece of paper, and get ready to take your imagination to the max. Colouring is so relaxing and calming, especially after cramming information into your head after an hour or so. It is a great method for peace and quiet after a storm.
- Listen to music: Sing to catchy tunes such as Fergalicious and Don’t Stop Believing at the top of your lungs. Dance like nobody’s watching because they probably aren’t. Some bops include Shake It Off and Tik Tok. Bring back the classic Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston to add a pep to your step after working diligently.
- Try Origami: By definition, it is the Japanese art of folding paper into decorative shapes and figures. Turn on your computer, fire up Youtube, and get ready to test your patience in order to perform this intricate art. Make a swan, a flower, or fish to keep your mind occupied between study breaks. If you give up though, make a paper aeroplane. Easy enough right?
- Learn a magic trick: Come one, come all to see ____(your name here)___ the great in action. Intrigue your peers and family during your break by pulling a coin out of their ears or making something of their disappear. Try it– check out YouTube for lots of examples.
Those are some of my suggestions of fun things to do when taking a study break. There are way more, but these are my favourites. Happy studying!